Trauma and Fracture Care

Orthopaedic trauma includes injury to the bones, joints, tendons, and ligaments. These injuries are often caused by a direct impact such as a fall, sporting injury, or car accident. Diagnosis of a broken bone, also called a fracture, is usually made on x-rays. Occasionally, a CT scan may be required to look at the bones in more detail. Tendon and ligament injuries are diagnosed on clinical examination and can be confirmed with ultrasound or MRI imaging.

Every fracture is treated differently. Some fractures can be treated non-operatively in specialised casts or splints. Other fractures require surgery to stabilise the broken bones, often with specialised metal plates and screws. A consult with an orthopaedic surgeon is important to determine the best treatment if you suffer a fracture.

Rehabilitation is important after any injury. Physiotherapy to regain range of motion and muscles strength can be important after a fracture or soft tissue (muscle, tendon, or ligament) injury.

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

All fractures are different. It is important to have a discussion with your orthopaedic surgeon about your specific injury.

There are specific risks of surgery for each type of fracture. It is important to have a discussion with your orthopaedic surgeon about the risks and benefits of surgery for your injury.

Hospital Address

Our Location
Humber River Hospital
1235 Wilson Ave North York Ontario, M3M 0A7
416-291-5553 *Appointment Required

Office Address

Our Location
3695 Keele Street, 2nd Floor
North York, ON M3J 1N1
416-291-5553 *Appointment Required